We are Surface Water Analysis Innovators:
Tools for Risk Analysis and Monitoring
Eyes on Earth uses satellite observation to analyze worldwide land-surface temperature, wetness, and snow cover. Using a proprietary algorithm (the “BWI” model) we help clients quickly and cost-effectively understand complex issues. Our comprehensive global data sets have a 30 year record of the multiple critical climatic factors affecting the earth’s surface and human population.
Our data can provide historical measurements from 1988 to now, and our observations are additionally available in near real time. Until recently, these products have been used exclusively by Renaissance Re and Weather Predict. Now, these products are being offered to the private and public sectors as unique and valuable tools for assessing the impact and variability of climate change across many sectors of the economy, and on society at large.
Critically, our tools have extensive uses in multiples areas: We assist agricultural interests in identifying how soil moisture and temperature patterns affect crop growth. The wetness product can be used to predict the development of a drought or a flood in an area. Hydrologists also need to know the amount of water in a basin, in order to quantify changes in water resources. Predicting stream flow is essential for managing: electricity generation, snow melt, irrigation, and municipal water supplies, as well as impending flood and drought.
Contact us for a free sample product
tailored to your criteria.
​Examples of products include:
- Worldwide Surface Wetness Monitoring and Assessment
- Water treaty implementation and monitoring support, e.g. by analyzing water availability, flow, and/or allocation
- Updates in near real-time
- Assessment and predictive modeling of soil moisture and its variability, such as drought and flooding
- Agricultural risk analysis, crop modeling, and yield predictions
- River flow analysis and capability to predict quantity flowing downstream